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This is how responsible gambling works in online casinos in Canadа in 2023.

Jessica Hueber

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Gambling is a powerful and frequently compulsive behavior, wherein responsible play plays a vital role. It has the potential to be a highly rewarding pursuit, but it also carries the risk of harm and addiction. When an individual experiences a strong urge to gamble, even at the expense of negative consequences, it is known as gambling addiction. This form of addiction can cause significant damage to the player, their family, friends, and society as a whole.

Engaging in online gambling is a secure, entertaining, and exhilarating experience. However, one must exercise caution as it can become addictive and lead to problems if not approached responsibly. This article delves into the importance of maintaining a safe gambling environment while still enjoying the thrill it brings.


What is Gambling Addiction?

Compulsive gambling is a severe behavioral addiction characterized by compulsive gambling behavior. Those suffering from gambling addiction are unable to control their gambling, despite the potential negative consequences that may arise. If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, please visit https://www.gamblinghelp.eu/ or call +43 662 874030 (AT).

Compulsive gambling is a term used to describe the inability to stop gambling despite being aware of the negative impact it has on one's own life and the lives of others. Gambling addiction can result in financial difficulties and strained relationships with family members and friends. Moreover, it can also lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

Although anyone can be affected by gambling addiction, research has indicated that certain groups are at a higher risk of developing this disorder.

● People with low income or high debt levels

Persons who have experienced emotional trauma or abuse in childhood.

- Individuals who suffer from other psychological issues such as depression or anxiety disorders.

Young adults (18-25 years old) and middle-aged adults (26-50 years old) experience the highest rates of problematic gambling when compared to other age groups. In comparison to their counterparts, individuals within these age ranges exhibit the most concerning patterns of excessive gambling behavior.

Individuals with a substance abuse disorder also face an increased likelihood of developing a gambling problem compared to those without such a disorder. This is due to the fact that many individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol often do so as a means of coping with stress and anxiety, which can consequently lead them to engage in risky behaviors like gambling.

Gambling addiction treatment

Treating gambling addiction depends on the severity of the issue, yet there are a few measures one can take if they suspect someone they know may have a gambling problem.

Recovering from gambling addiction can be a lengthy journey that requires dedication and effort. However, numerous support organizations are available to assist you along the way. If you have a loved one struggling with a gambling problem, engage in open conversations about their behavior and encourage them to seek treatment. Several approaches are employed in the treatment of gambling addiction, including:

● Gambling Addiction Support Groups. Individuals struggling with a gambling addiction often find value in joining support groups, where they can share their experiences and seek advice from others who have gone through similar challenges.

● Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is designed to assist individuals in identifying their thoughts, emotions, and actions, enabling them to alter their mindset in order to change their behavioral patterns. This particular therapeutic approach is particularly beneficial in addressing gambling addiction, as it focuses on the cognitive and behavioral patterns that lead individuals to engage in excessive gambling.

Group therapy sessions can be conducted by a trained therapist in either an outpatient facility or a residential rehabilitation center. Within the group setting, individuals are able to engage in meaningful dialogue and share their experiences in a secure environment, free from judgment or social stigma. This platform allows for a supportive exchange of ideas and fosters a sense of community among participants. By creating a space where individuals can openly communicate and empathize with one another, group therapy promotes personal growth and healing. The therapist facilitates these sessions, utilizing various counseling techniques to encourage self-reflection and facilitate productive discussions. Through this collaborative approach, individuals can gain valuable insights, develop coping strategies, and find solace in the shared journey towards recovery.

Having a healthy relationship with online casinos.

Gambling is an endeavor fraught with peril, carrying the potential for financial loss. Though many partake in the activity casually, perceiving it as benign, there are those for whom gambling becomes a predicament.

It is crucial to remember that many individuals associate gambling with gambling addiction, but it is vital to acknowledge that this is a misconception. Gambling addiction does exist, but it is not an inherent part of gambling itself - it is a byproduct of irresponsible gambling habits.

And even though there are indeed individuals who suffer from gambling addiction, there are also numerous responsible players who utilize online casinos responsibly and appreciate their benefits. If you are seeking ways to enjoy your time in an online casino without becoming addicted or losing excessive amounts of money, here are two straightforward suggestions:

  1. Only play when you have the time - don't play when you're bored or stressed.
  2. Set limits for yourself on how much money you can spend and how often you should play (and stick to them). If you lose track of time or money, stop playing immediately and wait until your next scheduled session before resuming the game. And if you find that you are losing more than usual or having trouble stopping, even if you have reached your limit, then stop immediately and seek professional help!

How gambling addiction arises

The likelihood of becoming addicted to gambling is higher for certain individuals compared to others, regardless of their age. Anyone has the potential to develop a gambling addiction, although some people are more predisposed to it.

Individuals who have had a history of drug abuse or alcohol problems are more prone to develop a gambling addiction compared to others. This correlation can be attributed to the fact that substance abuse negatively impacts the brain regions responsible for judgment, decision-making, and impulse control - all of which are crucial factors in the development and perpetuation of gambling addiction.

Adolescents, aged between 13 and 18, face a higher susceptibility to experiencing gambling-related issues. This is primarily due to the fact that their brain is still in the process of development, rendering them more prone to making impulsive choices without adequately considering the consequences, as would be practiced by adults.

Compulsive gambling disorder is an impulse control problem that causes individuals to struggle in managing their urge to gamble. Often, those who are addicted to gambling experience a range of difficulties, including:

Losing control over gambling is a common predicament where individuals find themselves unable to cease once they have embarked upon it. It's possible that they may even contemplate gambling when they lack the time or financial means to do so. Alternatively, they may allocate more time and money towards gambling activities than they initially intended.

A powerful urge or intense desire to engage in gambling can be overwhelming and lead individuals to neglect their professional or familial obligations in order to return to a casino sooner rather than later.

Continued gambling despite adverse consequences can entail losing money or borrowing money from friends and family just to keep playing. It may also involve accumulating credit card debts or losing one's job due to gambling addiction (which could happen if you fail to show up for work because you've been playing too much).

Game breaks and self-exclusions

Short break - cooling down phase

Taking a short break or cooling-off period is one of the crucial aspects of online gambling. It serves as a protective measure to prevent excessive dependence on your favorite games and ensures the preservation of your bankroll, so that you do not lose more than your budget permits. Safeguarding your financial stability and maintaining a healthy balance between entertainment and responsibility is paramount in the world of online gaming.

There are multiple ways to establish your own cooling-off period, but the most common approach involves setting aside money for each game you play and transferring it to a separate account where it will only be utilized after the expiration of your cooling-off phase, which can vary depending on the timeframe. This implies that even if you happen to lose money during the cooling-off period, you won't lose as much compared to if it was still in your main account, mixed with other funds not subject to cooling-off periods.


Self-exclusion measures allow individuals identified with gambling issues to voluntarily refrain from entering premises where gambling activities are conducted or promoted. This regulation mandates all operators in Canadа who offer gaming machines with prize competitions to participate in the scheme by registering all excluded individuals when prompted by an operator or directly by a concerned person regarding their own participation in gambling activities.

Gambling support organizations

Gambling addiction is a psychological disorder that can be described as an uncontrollable urge to gamble despite negative consequences. The individual affected by this issue has lost control over their impulses and resorts to gambling as a means of escaping life's problems. To regain control, there are several treatment options available, as previously mentioned. Additionally, there are helpful support networks such as gambling assistance organizations, which can be found both within one's own country and across borders.

Canadian gambling aid organizations

There are several options available in Canadа that can be highly beneficial when it comes to responsible gambling. One of these is the OVWG, an organization dedicated to promoting safe play and player protection by establishing standards and regulations. It focuses on ensuring a secure and responsible gambling environment, prioritizing the well-being of players.

International gambling charities

Self-help groups offered by Gamblers Anonymous (GA) provide their members with positive alternatives to gambling through self-help meetings and other activities such as community projects or sponsorships for other GA members in their recovery from gambling addiction.

frequently asked Questions

  • What does RTP mean?

    RTP is an abbreviation for the English term "return to player," which is translated into German as "Auszahlungsquote." Occasionally, the term "Ausschüttungsquote" is also used. Both refer to the percentage of the wager that a player receives back on average. "return to player" is the English acronym "RTP" and it is translated into German as "Auszahlungsquote". Sometimes the term "Ausschüttungsquote" is also used. Both terms represent the percentage of the bet that a player receives back on average.

  • What is RNG?

    This term is derived from the English language as well, specifically "random number generator." In German, it simply refers to a "Zufallsgenerator," which serves the same purpose.